"The Telehealth Era is Just Beginning" - Harvard Business Review, June 2022

Join health plan executives, providers, investors, technologists, and other digital health enthusiasts as we explore the rapidly emerging future of telehealth and hybrid care! 

Some of Our Speakers...

Our Premium Sponsors

Thank you to our partners for convening telehealth stakeholders
together and bringing the conversation to life. 

Thank you to the friends of SETRC

The Astronaut Memorial Conference Center

Join us at NASA’s Astronaut Memorial Conference Center, a fully repurposed space vehicle development complex equipped with 4K projectors and immersive sound. 

Your registration fee includes a free tickets for you and guests to the Space Center Visitor Complex, including exhibits and displays, historic spacecraft and memorabilia, shows, two IMAX theatres, and a range of bus tours of the spaceport. 

Join Us!

Join health plan executives, providers, investors, employers, technologists, and other digital health enthusiasts as we explore the future of telehealth to enable gains in quality, affordability, and accessibility!

SETRC is one of 14 Telehealth Resource Centers ( 12 Regional and 2 National) funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth. Our mission is to serve as a focal point for advancing the effective use of Telehealth and support access to Telehealth services in rural and underserved communities in the southeastern region of the United States. We have extensive Telehealth experience and can provide free services, resources, and tools to both developing and operating programs.

SETRC is supported by award number U1UTH42521‐01‐00 from the Office for the Advancement of Telehealth, Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, Health Resources and Services Administration, Department of Health and Human Services.

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